DataHub Configuration, Monitoring, Optimization & Troubleshooting Tools

Unified Configuration, Monitoring & Troubleshooting Environment

Why configure multiple applications for OPC, data logging, MQTT, excel, and integrate them all when DataHub provides a single application.

  • Configuration tools are FREE and included in every DataHub Solutions Pack or bundle of features that you license.
  • Quickly installed & configured without having to go to school to learn it.
  • Extensive training and quick start videos library along with our team's expert help gets you going quickly.
  • Optionally hide features that you aren't currently licensed to use to avoid application configuration staff confusion. 
  • DataHub Configurations can be easily moved from one system to another
  • Built-in tools to monitor, optimize and when needed, troubleshoot its operation, shown on this page. 

Many users just use the built in DataHub configuration UI shown here, though more are migrating to the even more powerful remote configuration app that can be run locally or remotely.

Secure Remote Configuration Utility

Included in DataHub V9 and higher, and available when running DataHub as a service, this utility provides the most powerful configuration experience because it also include the ability to import CSV configurations for many components (V10 and newer).

  • Connect over a secure connection to local or remote DataHub instances
  • Connect to multiple DataHub instances from one central location
  • Allow/disallow remote configuration by feature
  • Username/password protected 
  • Define users and groups for scalable management of permissions
  • Allow local or remote, or both types of connections
  • Digitally signed one-click install from the remote datahub over a secure connection
  • Import CSV configurations for OPC UA, OPC DA, Bridging, MQTT Client, Modbus, Local & External Historians (V10 and newer)


Configuration Import

DataHub offers two methods of bulk configuration import for scalable configuration of large applications

  • CSV import via Remote Configuration UI (V10 and higher) 
  • Scripted CSV or other format import

Import via the DataHub scripting interface offers maximum flexibility and support for any parsable text file format. We provide sample DataHub scripts in our knowledgebase.

Using the CSV import in the Remote Configuration UI offers the easiest solution in a visual interface. The example shown here shows the import mapping for importing DataHub bridge connections via CSV in the Remote Configuration UI.

Additional examples are shown below and full details are found in the DataHub online product documentation

Configuration Import Examples

Data Value, Source Monitoring, Point Management & Copy

Clicking on View Data in either configuration UI launches a window that shows you all the data in DataHub, organized into buckets we call "domains". These have nothing to do with Windows domains, they are just a construct you can use to organize your information logically, combining data from different sources into their own buckets or buckets that relate the data by machine, system, plant area, plant, etc. 

You can filter/search on points, delete unused points (V11+) drag/drop them into other applications, and copy JSON value, model, usage and options for a point. 

V11 adds a column for the Origin of a data point last change as shown here and is related to the connection viewer and can be used in troubleshooting and system optimization.

What Happened When - Event Log

Also accessible right from either DataHub configuration tool, the Event Log gives you a detailed view of everything that has happened.

You get to filter your views, control the location of the log, and limit the size of the log file which then just becomes a circular log when your limit is reached. 

There's a lot there, and our team might ask you to upload your event log to our support center when assisting you, as these logs allow us to rapidly help you. 

Connections Viewer

Again, launchable from either of the DataHub configuration tools, this very detailed, live viewer, lets you monitor the status of any data connection coming into or going out of DataHub in detail. 

We know this image is hard to see, but in the image row below, you can zoom in on our more detailed tools to see more. 

View DataHub Configuration & Tools In Detail Below

Get Started Now

This trial software is fully functioning and can be used to update licensed product provided you are on an active support & maintenance agreement.  Once DataHub is started it will run for 1 hour at a time, you can restart the application to reset this timer. Purchasing a license removes the limitation for licensed features. 

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