DataHub Store and Forward - Resilient & Reliable Data Delivery

Assuring Data Delivery Reliability

Life happens. Network & internet connections break, fail, or otherwise become unreliable.  Databases become inaccessible. Cloud services go down. 

DataHub delivers built-in store and forward capabilities in three key product features to help address these concerns.  

  • Database logging
  • Cloud connections 
  • External Historians

When combined with DataHub's secure, firewall, DMZ, and Proxy friendly tunneling that can rapidly recover, resilient system architectures with many distributed data sources can be implemented.

Database Logging with Store & Forward

  • If the database is available, the data will be transmitted directly to the database
  • When a database connection goes down, DataHub stores the data locally based on your configured cache size
  • Two levels of disk caching in DataHub assures no data gets lost
  • When connections are restored, stored values are sent, new data is stored, until the cache from outage is cleared, and then DataHub starts writing new values directly to the database
  • Extensive configuration options and monitoring statistics for optimization to your situation
  • Included for Free when used with database logging


Cloud Connections

The MQTT client connector can push to any MQTT broker, Amazon Kinesis, Azure IoT Hub, Amazon IoT Core, and Google IoT.  Users can enable store and forward connections starting with DataHub V10.

  • Local/buffered data storage uses  InfluxDB (DataHub InfluxDB connector license required)
  • Configurable storage strategies 
  • Empowers local history data visibility and reliable remote data delivery


External Historians (V10+)

Store and forward can be configured for the following External Historians:

  • Amazon Kinesis
  • Apache Kafka (V11+)
  • Azure Event Hub (V11+)
  • AVEVA Historian & Insight
  • AVEVA OSIsoft PI system
  • InfluxDB and InfluxDB Cloud
  • OPC HDA Client
  • ODBC
  • RESTful client to any historian supporting REST interfaces
  • Local data storage to InfluxDB (license required)
  • Configurable storage strategies 
  • Empowers local history data visibility and reliable remote data delivery


Get Started Now

This trial software is fully functioning and can be used to update licensed product provided you are on an active support & maintenance agreement.  Once DataHub is started it will run for 1 hour at a time, you can restart the application to reset this timer. Purchasing a license removes the limitation for licensed features. 

Connect with Us

1-888-665-3678 (US + Canada toll free)
+1-704-849-2773 (Global)